Hair Transplant Clinic in Mahalaxmilayout

Skin xperts Super speciality Skin,Hair and Laser Clinics - Latest update - Hair Transplant Clinic in Mahalaxmilayout

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A hair transplant clinic is the best way to rejuvenate the appearance of thinning hair, as well as the hair on top of your head. Hair transplants are a surgical procedure used to regrow new healthy hair follicles. The technique involves removing individual hairs (called grafts) from the back of the scalp where they are naturally located, and then implanting the grafts in different parts of the scalp. This is typically done with the patient awake and under local anesthesia. In the clinic, small incisions are made in the back of the head and the follicles are harvested. Once the grafts are prepared, they are inserted carefully into the hairline to the desired position and secured in place with stitches. The grafts remain in place for several months until they begin to grow, and after about 6 months the hair starts to appear as if it were natural.

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