Carbon dioxide laser resurfacing is used to treat a variety of skin conditions. Carbon dioxide lasers very precisely remove thin layers of skin with minimal heat damage to the surrounding structures.

Carbon dioxide lasers treat:

Wrinkles (rhytides).
Linear epidermal nevi (birthmarks).
Rhinophyma (enlarged oil glands on the nose).
The lasers have been in use for many years to treat non-cancerous (benign) and cancerous (malignant) skin conditions. A new generation of carbon dioxide lasers uses very short-pulsed light energy (ultrapulsed) or continuous light beams that are delivered in a scanning pattern.

The ability to rejuvenate sun-damaged, wrinkled skin has been revolutionized by this new technology. Carbon dioxide laser resurfacing joins other treatment options including tretinoin (Retin-A®) products, vitamin C lotion, alpha hydroxy acids, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, collagen or fat augmentation and botulinum toxin (Botox®) for decreasing facial lines and scars. Be sure to look for a surgeon with documented training and experience in laser surgery.
